Be able to associate pledge payments with their pledges.

Assign a receivable ID associated with a pledge. Then all subsequent pledge payments would reference the receivable ID. This way pledge payments could be identified with the pledge in the query. This is a simple solution and is the basis for any AR accounting.

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  • Mar 13 2013
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    • Guest commented
      August 11, 2016 19:47

      Lisette, I am thinking James means associating the pledge and payment(s) after the fact. For example, in the case of pulling a list of all gifts say for end of year reporting, it would be nice to associate the pledges and payments from the list via a unique identifier.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:55

      Except that RE is not accounting software. I don't really understand your post. When you book a pledge on a constituent record and then subsequently receive a payment against it, if your system is set up correctly, you will get a pop up prompt when you go to batch the payment check that asks if you want to apply that check to the outstanding pledge. Both the pledge and all payments are ALREADY linked to one another....... Am I missing something??

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:55

      I agree there needs to be better connection between pledges and pledge payments. For example, try to create an acknowledgement letter from a pledge payment that includes the pledge balance. There is no way to pull the pledge balance to export to the acknowledgement letter.

    • Alex Wong commented
      March 18, 2016 00:55

      This is a big problem that I'm surprise not many people actually talk about this.

      To Lisette, yes, the link is there, obviously, otherwise you won't be able to calculate pledge balance that you see on the pledge gift record itself. However the problem is querying for payments for the pledge. A simple example: I want to get a query/export of all the payment information on all 2013 pledges (where payment can be in all different years). Currently there's no way to do this. NOTE: I want to see these data in an exported excel that's correctly columnized, NOT a report which you can't filter/sort however you like after being exported.

      With the OP's request, if we can get an "ID" (I don't care if it's some other "receivable ID" or just be able to use the Gift Import ID) from query or export such that we query on a pledge (or group of pledge under criteria, i.e. pledge date of 2013) and in output, we can output the gift information of the payments, the payments Gift Import ID and all relevant information. This will make pledge and payment management much easier.