Be able to enable and disable matching gifts with a business rule

I'd like to add a matching gift after a matching gift is received, rather than a pledge automatically generating.

Currently, we enter matching gift pledges for many of our constituents, and then the gifts don't come in, or a matching gift is credited to a constituents' spouse, and we end up double-counting the money. If the matching gift pledge didn't generate, we would be less likely to experience this problem.

  • Guest
  • Aug 24 2012
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    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:56

      This is exactly why we have UNchecked all Matching Gift boxes on the org records, when we confirm a match with the organization, we go to the constituent's gift and manually add the MG Pledge (which is difficult because the MG Orgs box is always checked when you search for the MG org - it doesn't stay the way you last used the search box, another inconsistency in RE).

      It's time-consuming, but it works for us. We don't have all that many MGs anyways, and our Finance Dept won't count them until they come in.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:56

      This sounds like a use problem - not a design problem. Sounds like you are checkig off that X company always matches Y donor. If you do that then, yes, you are going to get a MG pledge every time you enter a gift. If you do not check that box then you can avoid this step.