Automatically add the canvasser of a record as the canvasser of an action

It would be useful if the constituent canvasser was automatically made the canvasser of an action (particularly when sending emails). This would save the fundraiser having to enter themselves as the action canvasser each time. It would be useful if they could be deleted from a particular action if they are not the canvasser. For example, Amy is the canvasser for the Book Shop. She does most of the meetings and calls with the Book Shop so her name is automatically on the actions as canvasser as she is the constituent canvasser. However, John calls the Book Shop one time. He can change the canvasser on the action to his name.


When a constituent has a proposal and the proposal has a canvasser then canvasser tab in actions is populated automatically, so it could work in the same ay but pulling from relationships canvasser through instead of proposals canvasser if they don't have a proposal.

  • Guest
  • May 3 2017
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