Under Reports Funcation, report only constituents marked Head of Household option

We use Blackbaud NetCommunity. NetCommunity doesn't link to non constituent records. For this reason, we have to have constituent records for the head of household and the spouse in order to link online gifts and online registrations. Which means that some gifts are hard credited to the spouse who is not the head of household and then soft credited to the head of household. However, when you go to Reports and try to run a canned report, there is no option to report on only the head of household.  Therefore, it duplicates the records because you have no choice to select soft credits to both because like I said, some gifts are soft credited to the head of household depending on who is making the gift online. it would be nice to have an option in Reports to report on only head of household when applicable.

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  • Mar 6 2017
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