"Fix" Matching Gift Company name to merge into letters

I am creating a donor thank you letter for a matching gift, sending the letter to the original donor. I have everything set up, except I cannot get the Matching Gift Company name to merge into the word document. Any suggestions??

11:15:04 AM [Sarah Brown] What is the Gift Type of the Gift that you are using to create the letter?

11:15:16 AM [Kristin] MG pay/cash

11:15:56 AM [Kristin] hang on...i believe i used cash...bc it was a check....

11:16:34 AM [Kristin] I just looked, it is MG Pay/Cash

11:16:46 AM [Sarah Brown] Great. Are you using Mail > Donor Acknowledgement Letters?

11:16:52 AM [Kristin] Yes

11:18:21 AM [Sarah Brown] On the Fields to Include tab, do you have Addressee/Salutation.Addressee?

11:19:28 AM [Kristin] yes, i also have on the Fields to Include tab Gifts.Matching gift company

11:19:48 AM [Kristin] But that is blank when i merge.

11:20:47 AM [Sarah Brown] Okay. Which name appears in the merge document for Addressee/Salutation.Addressee? Is it included in your merge document?

11:22:30 AM [Kristin] The original donor, and that is included in my merge. I am sending the letter to the original donor, but i need the name of the MG company in the body of the letter.

11:23:56 AM [Sarah Brown] Okay! In that case, you'll need the original donor's Gift to be included, and you'll want to generate a letter for it.  It's Gift Type will not begin with MG.  If you are creating a letter for that gift, the Gifts.Matching gift company field should not be blank.

11:25:15 AM [Kristin] The letter is an acknowledgement that the matching gift was received from the matching gift company....the original gift has already been acknowledged.

11:27:39 AM [Sarah Brown] Okay! I'm sorry for the confusion.  Making this change to the General tab should resolve the issue for you - can you mark Soft Credit to Donor, and Matching Gift to Donor? Here's the Knowledgebase article that describes this, as well: https://kb.blackbaud.com/articles/Article/70217.

11:28:59 AM [Kristin] Yep, I did all of that already...however the MG Company name is still blank in the merge. AAHH!!

11:31:21 AM [Kristin] My only other thought would be to put the name of the company in the reference field in batch...then i could pull the reference into the merge...but since MG Company name is listed in the "fields to include" tab, this shouldn't be that difficult.

11:31:25 AM [Sarah Brown] Thanks for bearing with me! Could you please check out this Knowledgebase? It explains an alternative solution when the Matching Gift company name is not appearing in your letters. https://kb.blackbaud.com/articles/Article/48417

11:32:54 AM [Kristin] I have that printed off also, but adding the attribute seems like the long way around when the field should be there...seems like there is an issue with the system since I am not the only person having this problem...I just wondered if i was missing something.

11:33:31 AM [Sarah Brown] No, unfortunately there is not something else that you are missing.

11:33:49 AM [Sarah Brown] I'm so sorry that it works this way! Would you like the link to let our developers know that you would like to see this changed in The Raiser's Edge?

11:34:15 AM [Kristin] Sure...maybe we can get it resolved!

11:34:36 AM [Sarah Brown] Okay.  I totally understand why you'd want that name to appear.  Here's the link: https://community.blackbaud.com/products/raisersedge7/ideas.

11:34:56 AM [Sarah Brown] The developers look to see which Ideas have the most votes and work to implement those changes with new releases.

11:35:10 AM [Kristin] can you email me our conversation for my reference?

11:35:47 AM [Sarah Brown] Sure! labolt@hanover.edu , right? You can also email it to yourself by clicking the X and then clicking End Chat, and then entering your email address in the text box.

11:35:54 AM [Kristin] yes

11:36:15 AM [Sarah Brown] Great.  Do you have other questions for me, Kristin?

11:36:25 AM [Kristin] No, that is it. TY!

11:36:29 AM [Sarah Brown] Happy Friday!


I ended up putting  the name of the company in the "reference" field in gift batch...then i could pull the reference into the merge...but since MG Company name is listed in the "fields to include" tab, this shouldn't be that difficult.

  • Kristin LaBolt
  • Sep 9 2016
  • Attach files