Add the ability to sort 'Individual field defaults sets'

Anyone that has multiple default sets would benefit from the ability to sort them. We have multiple salutation defaults that we load in because some people have nick names and some don't. If you could build in some IF THEN logic into the salutations I would only need one default. I would prefer adding logic to the salutations but being able to at least sort them would be nice.

  • Josh Gould
  • Apr 29 2016
  • Attach files
  • Jen Claudy commented
    May 19, 2016 19:13

    I love the F2 and Shift+F2 shortcuts for loading Default Sets, but it would also be completely awesome to assign a Default Set to a specific keyboard shortcut and not have to find it in the Default Set Window at all.

    And related...I truly hope we get some sort of Default Set function in RE:NXT.  =)