Remove email address hyperlinks

I have a suggestion, it would be beneficial to remove the hyperlinks in the email address tab, or at least make it so that you can right-click so you can copy and paste the email address into your own email program.  The option to make all email addresses have to be globally changed to the category of "other" isn't a very clean solution.  To have to explain to everyone using your system why the email address tab is blank and that email addresses have to be found under the "other" tab isn't very efficient.

  • Guest
  • Apr 4 2016
  • Attach files
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    • Aldera Chisholm commented
      November 23, 2021 20:22

      Somewhere else I saw an idea to add a "copy to clipboard" beside the email - perhaps RE could merge these two ideas?

    • L Winsor commented
      April 12, 2018 15:43

      Agree. It makes editing a real nuisance.

    • Guest commented
      April 15, 2016 12:47

      You are SO right. The fact that each user cannot turn hyperlinks off for their system is a real problem.  

    • Guest commented
      April 05, 2016 17:13