Hosting - Make records bigger please!

We just moved to Hosting and the records are so small it's difficult to see. We can use Ctrl+scroll to make the main screen bigger, but I cannot get the record text itself to increase in size. I know we can expand the size of the record window, but it doesn't increase the size of the text in the record (just adds more gray space).Changing the display settings on my monitor (the only advised solution I've found) makes my other programs way too big, so I can't use that. Would it be possible to allow us to increase the size of the records at least to the default size of the records in the non-hosted version? Thanks!

  • Guest
  • Apr 23 2014
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    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:43

      This is not just a hosted problem. RE7 is antiquated in its design and setup.