1. If Sponsors are a distinct category in the Event module, then they should be a viable option through OLX. As it is now, only registrants can signup online. So a Table sponsor....with a table sponsor price point available imported as a REGISTRANT and not a SPONSOR. Problem is They ARE a SPONSOR and they DO have guests...but RE calls them registrants and does not allow signups online.
2. Registrants are NOT Sponsors but they can have guests and can sign up online.= GOOD Sponsors can have Registrants..but NOT guests...and can't register online = BAD IDEA - Let Registrants and Sponsors both have guests and let them both sign up online at the appropriate price point. *Very confusing*
EX: Diamond Sponsor $10,000 (10 seat table + marketing benefits)
Gold Sponsor $5,000 (8 seat table + marketing benefits)
Silver Sponsor $ 3,000 ( 8 seat table + marketing benefits)
Table Purchase $1,200 (8 seats only)
Tkt Level1 and so on..
The number of seats equals the number of registrants per level...but they are not recognized in the event module as sponsor. The benefit to doing these transactions online are the gifts are automatically linked...registration fees paid etc...

3. Fine Tuning - You can modify headers but not the header that says Organization Name or the field that says Organization. I would like this option because I could call that field, Sponsor Name. (which sometimes is an organization and sometime is an individual)
4. Also, there is an option for organization to allow the entire group's guests to register anonymously...and there is an option to allow an individual's guests to register anonymously but NOT without having to scroll down multiple pages and click the button 10 or more times for the number of guests they are allotted.

  • Guest
  • Mar 16 2016
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