Add number of registrants instead of creating duplicates in registrants and guests when unknown

I would LOVE to have a field on the General tab that allowed us to put the total number of registrants to be included with our sponsors and registrants.  

There are many times that our sponsor packages include a block of tickets for the event or that registrants purchase multiple tickets for an event, but we don't require them to put the names of the attendees in at registration. So, if we want our # registered and our capacity to be correct we have to create a dummy registrant record and then a dummy guest record just to get an accurate total (which causes tons of confusion in reporting). 

To be clear, I would love the option to link registrants and guests, but also the ability to simply enter a number of "unnamed" registrants for a sponsor record or a number of guests for a registrant if the names are unknown.

  • Rebecca Timberlake
  • May 23 2017
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