Gift batches in RE7 to be marked when posted to FE

So I am adamant that absent adjustments/chargebacks, etc. that our donations be posted in RE7 via the Batch function, which gives control over mathematical errors as long as the batch is tallied and totals are entered before the gifts are entered. So I post batch by batch (and soon many batches will be posted at once, but I am new to this non-profit and more than a few g/l distributions have not been set up, so I am posting one batch at a time for now). It would be great if when I come back to the Batch function/screen if I could see which batches have been posted, and which are still waiting to be posted. I know you can get the information from the actual gift records, but that's time-consuming. Please vote yes for this feature to be added and if you aren't already entering gifts in batches, you should be. Thanks, Cain Farmer, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation/Council for a Livable World, Washington, DC 20002.

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  • Feb 12 2015
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