Expand the 'Define Constituent Fields' options (when entering a Batch) so we have more information on each person.

When entering a check batch, I would like the ability to see (under Define Constituent Fields) the ability to see Bank/Financial Inst information. We will be using PaperSave soon and it would be so nice to be able to see their bank information as an available field so that I would not have to go into each individual record each time to see if their bank information has been added/is current. thank you!

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  • Dec 12 2014
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    • Guest commented
      October 01, 2021 15:38

      I would like the comments section of the phone types added as an option. Currently I have to go into the record to view this information and it would really save time if it were available in the define constituent fields we can view.

    • Lynn Anonymous commented
      March 18, 2016 01:06

      I would also like to see some additional constituent fields added. We have relationships and attributes that would help if we could see them. However, I imagine it could be a problem on any field with multiple instances unless there was a filter of some sort.