Allow a constituent to remain under Relationships when their constiuent record is deleted

Just now when we delete an individual from Raiser's Edge, their relationship is also removed from any company. We have people that still need to be in as a relationship, just we do not need them to have their own record. The problem is that if someone accidentally adds a contact as an individual and we delete them and they are removed from the organisation record and therefore they are removed from all Actions with them marked as the contact. Ideally you would be able to break the relationship link to the record and then remove only the individual constituent record and not the relationship record.

  • Guest
  • Oct 28 2014
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  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 00:53

    I just had a situation where a Relationship record had a ConstituentID shown in the Relationship record, but was not a full Constituent. I asked support about this and they said that is what happens when the Constituent record is deleted, but the Relationship record remains. From that explanation I would assume that the functionality you're asking for is already in RE.