don't remove constituent record when break link

When the link is broken with another constituent, the constituent record is changed to a non constituent record. For example, let's say Bob has a relationship with constituent Catherin, his spouse. That relationship link needs to be broken. In so doing, Catherin is no longer a constituent. This happens even when the box for "remove link and remove constituent record" is UNCHECKED.  This then leads to seeing Catherin as a non constituent. In turn, this cuuld lead to recreating Catherin as a constituent, which is now a duplicate.  I think that the breaking of a link should not change a constituent to a non constituent. Thanks.

  • Guest
  • Jul 8 2016
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  • Guest commented
    July 15, 2016 18:44

    It sounds like from your example that Catherine was never a constituent, she was always a relationship. I"m not sure what you mean by this.