Do not require Organization Name

We would like to option to make the Organization/Business Name field NOT required. There are times when a constituent owns their own business, and the name of their business is simply their own name. When that is also their preferred address, an export will show the constituents name twice: once as their name and then as the name of their business, so we have to remove the duplicate name. Also, we may know several things about their employment, but not the name of the organization, so we have to enter Unknown or something since it is a required field. We would prefer to be able to leave it blank.

  • Guest
  • Feb 13 2013
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    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:38

      There is no reason to suggest this. You simply put in self employed or unknown or the like - then you can just uncheck the "print organization name with address" and this field will not show when mailing or exporting. I think since you are creating a business relationship, this field should remain required.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:38

      Great suggestion! This is one of my pet peeves, as we deal with a lot of doctors and lawyers who have a business address, but no formal business name! It' always annoying to have to export and clean up data for labels and the inevitable <No Org Name> issue.