F2 loading constituent defaults

Seems 7.92 "upgrade" dropped the F2 option to load defaults to a constituent. Also missing the Last, First quick find option. It is only last OR first.

  • Guest
  • Jul 19 2012
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    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:38

      from Peter McCormick to All Participants:
      We upgraded to 7.92 and I can't find how to use "F2" to load defaults
      from Kimberly Hathaway to All Participants:
      Hello, Peter! You're looking to load defaults in The Raiser's Edge 7.92? Where at in the program?
      from Peter McCormick to All Participants:
      I want to load attribute defaults to a single open constituent. Thanks
      from Kimberly Hathaway to All Participants:
      Let me test it on my workstation, just a moment please.
      from Kimberly Hathaway to All Participants:
      I see that this functionality no longer seems to be triggered by F2 on the keyboard.
      from Kimberly Hathaway to All Participants:
      Was it working in The Raiser's Edge 7.91?
      from Kimberly Hathaway to All Participants:
      I admittedly never tried the function button for that process.
      from Peter McCormick to All Participants:
      Yes we used it a lot in 7.91
      from Peter McCormick to All Participants:
      Actually we were on 7.8 I believe
      from Kimberly Hathaway to All Participants:
      Were you able to use it from anywhere on the record, or did you have to be on the Attributes tab?
      from Peter McCormick to All Participants:
      Right from bio 1
      from Kimberly Hathaway to All Participants:
      It is definitely no longer programmed that way in 7.92. I'm happy to file a suggestion for you, and it would also be benefical for you to post your own suggestion on User Voice, but I'm afraid that I do not have an answer regarding when this may be implemented again.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:38

      I'm not sure if it's a feature that was just "broken" in the upgrade or intentionally left out, but it still says on Bio 1 when adding a new record to use Shift F2 to load default values. We used this a lot when adding new records to make sure they got the constuency code and Addressee/Salutations they needed automatically.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:38

      Thanks Kendra. Are you on 7.92? Technical support was not able find it anymore. We used to use is a lot as well.

    • Dave DeBoer commented
      March 18, 2016 00:38

      This works just fine for me, you might have to re-select you default set the first time, but I use it every day in 7.92.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:38

      Thank you David. It is working now. I think it was a user based issue related to rights that we resolved.