fund query and preferred address

You already make constituent name available on fund relationships in a fund query. Please also make constituent ID and constituent preferred address data available on the relationships in a fund query.

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  • Jan 28 2013
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    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      This is needed so it is possible to do mailings to people and organizations who are contacts for selected funds. The funds need to be selected using fund attributes which are not available from the fund relationships under constituents.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      Alternatively you could make fund attributes available from fund relationships in constituent queries. Either option would solve this and other problems.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      Marian - that assumes then that you are using the output field of your query to actually produce and export your mailing which is NOT recommended. You do not need the address fields in query unless it needs to be part of your criteria. If it needs to only be part of your output you should be using mail or export to get your mailing data - never from the output tab of your query.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      Melissa, thanks for your comment. Perhaps I should have asked for this on fund exports instead of fund queries. The problem is the same. I need to do a mailing to constituents who are the external contacts for selected funds. The selected funds can only be identified by looking at a fund attribute. I can't use a fund query as input to a constituent export. I can't get constituent preferred address if I do a fund export. So, the problem remains and so does the request.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      Why are you doing a fund query? A fund query returns a list of funds. If you are looking for people, you would either want a relationship or constituent query.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      I need to do a fund query because fund attributes are only available using a fund query. I cannot use fund attributes as criteria in a constituent query.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      All I can say is that a fund query will (and should) never work. You may want to change this suggestion to allow the relationship query to allow you to query on fund relationship (and show attributes) or that the constituent query allow you to get to the attributes of fund relationships.

      For now - how many funds are there? Truly too many to do a query with a fund relationship one of query based on Fund ID?

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      Right now there are 630 funds that meet the criteria. From fund relationship you do a join to make contituent name available from the fund relationship. How much more work can it be to also make contituent ID and contituent prefereed address available from the fund relationship whether it be in a fund query or in a fund export.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      Fund queries can't be used in Mail or Constituent Export where you would want them. Only Mail properly pulls the right people and automatically excludes the right people (i.e. anyone with has no valid address or addresses with send mail unchecked, etc.). You REALLY want to use mail and not the output tab of ANY query - it is even preferable to export if you are using the file for a mailing.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      Melissa, I think you're getting caught up in the weeds. No matter from which direction you approach and no matter which feature you use you can't connect preferrred addresses to fund attributes. Whether you start from the constituent or from the fund. My request is to be able from somewhere to link a fund attributes and constituent preferred address together. I made the request from the fund side because it seemed easier to link preferred address to fund relationship starting from the fund than to add the ability to select on fund attributed from the fund relationship when starting at the constituent.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      I'm getting to the specifics - you have asked for something very specific and when the designers are handed the request - they will give you EXACTLY what you ask for and if not careful, you may not get what you need.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      I submitted two requests at the same time asking for this information to be linkable from funds; one to fund queries (this request) and another to fund exports (Make relationship preferred address available when doing a fund export). So, I think I have asked for PRECISELY what I want in this request and the other with the above title.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      Unfortunately I think this has limited the audience which will vote for this suggestion since it is best practice to use mail - which can not use a fund query.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      I don't understand your comment. Are you saying I should instead ask the mail be able to use a fund query as input? I have a need which is perhaps unlike any need you have. If constituent name is available it should be trivial to add contituent ID and preferred address. I can't use mail to meet my need so I could use mail merge if this was available.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      The end result that you want is to do a mailing - that is ideally, preferrably and best done through Mail. Exporting directly from query is never recommended for any mailing (ever) and even Export is secondary in performance to Mail.

      If Mail does not meet your needs - then this suggestion should be to CHANGE the part of Mail (and/or queries that mail supports) that is causing you to not be able to do this. You may get more support for the change. it looks to me that because people think Mail should change and not fund query, they are not supporting this suggestion.

      You have an opportunity to make a suggestion to change what is not working but to suggest that changing query to allow an address when you should not be doing mailings from query just is not gaining any support. That is what I am saying.

      I hope that you are soon able to get what you need.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      Please tell me what changes you would ask for in mail for me to be able to do what I need to do. I need to mail to people who have a fund relationship called external contact for funds that can currently only be identified using a fund query. A fund query is necessary because the funds must be selected with criteria that uses the fund attributes. What changes exactly would you ask for in mail to accomplish this?

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      In the backend, a fund query results in a list of funds - a constituent query results in a list of constituents.You want to mail to constituents so it should not need to be a fund query. It should be able to be done with a constituent query.

      What you need is for the constituent query to allow you to query on fund relationship attributes - and for mail to allow you to show/incluide fund relationship attributes.

      There is an existing suggestion to add more fields to Mail so you may want to find that one I think it is ranked #2 from the top so you can add to the growing list of fields people want added to Mail. You may want to look and see if anyone has asked for constituent queries to allow you to query on fund relationship attributes. If not, then it may need to be a new suggestion.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:36

      There is now another reason that I need constituent ID to be available on the fund relationship is a fund query. I am exporting information to be published on a web site and need to be able to link using constituent ID so I can pull other information about a constituent from external tables that are not part of RE. It seems to me that adding constituent ID to the list of fields available on an individual relationship is an almost trivial enhancement that would provide much flexibility. another reason that