For some reason, there is no option to output the constituent ID for the individual or organization to whom the relationship links. You can output the constituent ID for one constituent, but can't also output the constituent ID for the other side of the relationship. Could you please add this as a relationship query output option? It is already available in Export but is missing in Query. Thanks!
Including the OUTPUT field, "Individual Relation Constituent ID" would make life alot easier!!
Currently performing VLOOKUPs against a master table, in excel, whenever I need a Parent(ConstituentID) and an associated Student(ConstituentID) together in the same report!!!
This feature would be a high priority for us, thank you.
Yes, please !!!! We need Constituent Ids in Ind relationships very much!
Thank you,
Yes please - this is currently giving me a massive headache! Don't make me copy the constituent ID to an attribute, please... :)