Change gift type

It would be extremely helpful if I was able to change Recurring Gift to Recurring Gift Pay Cash. Raiser's edge has recorded my first Recurring Gift set up as my first Recurring Gift Pay Cash. These payments are now not included in my consolidated receipts even though they are still counted as a constituent gift and the credit card eft payment has been processed. The current way to fix this is to delete all of my recurring gifts. Re-enter them as Cash donations, re-set up my Recurring Gifts and re-link all of the Cash gifts (converting them to Recurring Gift Pay-Cash).
Considering the problem is with the original gift only and then remaining recurring gift pay-cash are fine, I should be able to edit the problematic gift alone.

  • Joanna Gallant
  • Dec 16 2014
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    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:33

      Yes, when errors are made it would be nice to be able to change gift type but don't think it will help in this case. If you change it to 'pay' where will your recurring gift info be recorded. I also don't think it's possible for first recurring gift set up to be recorded as a pay unless you somehow added a payment to the record. I don't see how they would not be included in your receipts. Sorry, but it sounds like someone messed up in data entry....

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:33

      I second JoAnn

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:33

      It would be nice to add the gift type of pledge gift in kind. I spoke with a support analyst on how to do this, and the process was extremely complex. We would have to book a pledge, book a gift in kind (which creates duplicates). link them by applying the gift in kind to the pledge to create pay gift in kind. that is not what we want;

      we want to create a pledge for gift cards/services/wine/etc that our organizations receive, but have a way to invoice these organizations other than just invoicing their pledge for the dollar amt; that dollar amt is usually a fair market value and a guestimate by both the organization and ourselves. there should be a simpler way to do this so that we do not have an outstanding pledge and a duplicate gift in kind, which will alter our numbers in the giving history.