It wold be great in Export to be able to exclude invalid proposals and proposals that have been funded.

It wold be great in Export to be able to exclude invalid proposals and proposals that have been funded

  • Dina Sorrentino
  • Feb 17 2014
  • Attach files
  • Maryann Perrotta commented
    May 01, 2024 19:18

    This is an another example of an idea that needs to be merged with the others of the same request.

  • Guest commented
    November 13, 2018 17:10

    It would also be great to filter on status, fund or campaign in export for proposal as well. But I agree being able to exclude inactive or funded proposals would be hugely helpful. This may be asking too much but it'd be great to have proposals as an export type as well. 

  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 00:32

    Yes yes yes! Currently, there is no other filter beyond "Proposal Purpose." When exporting constituents for prospect review, we need to see what outstanding proposals they have. So being able to filter on "Is Inactive" and "Status" would be ESPECIALLY helpful!