event registration fees

The ability to globally delete unpaid or not linked to a gift registration fees.

We have so many registration fees that are not paid and every time we enter gifts, they keep popping up. Right now they have to be removed manually but that will take forever. I unchecked the box in Config so that doesn't happen anymore, but I would like the ability to remove them from their record.

  • Patti Posey
  • Nov 13 2012
  • Attach files
  • Art Bryman commented
    October 06, 2021 20:52

    We really need a way to delete registration fees, especially since everyone uses the event module differently.

  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 00:31

    There should be some options for globally writing off registration fees or marking them as paid. If we have an even and everyone who has registered pays at the door we should not have to manually mark them as paid or link to gifts.

  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 00:31

    In addition to just RE-created event registrations, with NetCommunity, even if the event if free, there has to be a price affiliated with the registration....so for every NC event registration we process, we have more unpaid registrations.