Please show number of addressee formula so we can know which we are selecting when we don't have all the fields populated

It would be helpful if we could see the number of the addressee formula in the drop down box so we can see which we are selecting when we don't have all the fields populated yet.

Sometimes when we add additional information later, we get an unexpected result because we accidentally selected a formula that used a field we did not intend to use for the addressee.

For instance, accidentally choosing the formula that includes spouse when we don't have that information so it remains invisible when selecting. Later when we add the spouse name it may appear even though we did not intend for the spouse to be included as the addressee.

  • Guest
  • Mar 19 2012
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2016 23:04

    I actually think the way add sals are done needs to be completely re-thinked this is one option but I can think of better options.

  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2016 23:04

    I got around this by exporting all my Addr/Sals with the numbers, and then importing them (which you must use that ID number in Import) to all my constituent records. We are no longer using Primary Addr/Sal, but have 15 standard additional sals, which makes it really easy to do mailing (I export to MS Access, and use code in Access which selects the appropriate Home/Business sals based on the Address Type). It works, but could be a lot easier. Have started using Primary Salutation to indicate when I add or change from my default selections, so when I add a spouse, I can glance there and know if I can delete all sals and reselect a default set, or if something has been adjusted and I need to look thru them first.

  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2016 23:04

    I renamed add/sal fields so I know at a glance if choosing correct one. Ex: Informal couple -add, Informal couple - sal, informal single -add, etc.

  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2016 23:04

    Also, if we could drag and drop to organize, rather than use that infernal arrow button, that would be great!

  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2016 23:04

    I second Melissa's comment that Add/Sals need to be completely re-worked. They've been hacked/patched too many times in the evolution of RE. If you look at the back-end database and try to work Add/Sals through ODBC it is a nightmare (Primaries, Additionals, Editable are all stored in different places & ways).

  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2016 23:04

    I love this idea! I have tried to clean up our address/salutations table and became so frustrated I had to stop. This is such a time consuming part of the constituent record setup, but we use them so often for letters and mailings that we have to keep it as a required field.

  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2016 23:04

    Cleaning up addressees and salutations is a mess. There is no way to see the sequence number of the primary addressee/salutation. I can query on and export sequence numbers for additional addressees/salutations, but not primary.

  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2016 23:04

    I am still more in favor of BB completely overhauling how all add/sals are done in favor of a new system.

  • Teddi Taylor commented
    March 17, 2016 23:04

    Yes! If we could "see" and choose the Add/Sal IDs and use them as shortcuts (like Fund IDs) during data entry, that could save a LOAD of time and frustration and inaccuracy! We set up default sets with just Addressee/Salutations, which works for new constituents, but if you want to change the Primary Addressee/Salutation and additional to a different configuration, you have to make the Primaries blank & delete the old additional add/sal lines in order for the new default sets to populate & not cause duplication errors.

  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2016 23:04

    We need to see the field names listed so we know what we are choosing. For example:
    John Doe = [First Name] [Middle Name]-Initial [Last Name] [Suffix 1]

    Then I would know this is the right/wrong formula for a particular use--we are just missing the data. In fact, it MIGHT be better to only display the formula if one had to choose!

  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2016 23:04

    This would be a huge help in cleaning up salutation configurations. If it is needed to import a salutation then it should exportable as well.