Add a Gift Benefits Report, so that you can track Benefits and Fulfillment Status by Gift.

As far as I have seen, Benefits on gifts given in response to a certain Appeal Package have to be manually pulled into that gift in order to actually show up as having been promised. This allows for customization of Packages, which is great, but I need the ability to report on the chosen benefits if I can't assume that all the default benefits have been applied.

The closest thing I've found has been a Gift Export where we export the benefits attached to the gift. This Export gets big, cumbersome and time-consuming though, especially when you consider the extra manipulation you have to do in other data processing software like Excel to even make this easily consumable for non-data staff.

I would be happy getting this report in either RE7 or RE:NXT since we have that subscription, but I figured RE7 is going to be the better option since assigning benefits at data entry can only be done in RE7 anyway.

  • Guest
  • Jun 6 2022
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