Add addresses to small groups as they appear on the website

We are able to add the address of the small group and specific categories into blackbaud. When we populate those on our website neither the address or categories show up. The addresses show up as the city but not the full address and it would be nice if the address could even lead people to google maps so they can always have the address on hand.

Thank you!

  • Alex DeRosa
  • Aug 11 2021
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    • Rachel DeRosa commented
      August 11, 2021 15:52

      We want the information entered in the website view of Blackbaud to appear on our church website without having to ask guests to use filters. (Most don't know what the filters button does and it doesn't stand out on the page so many simply skip over it.) We want at-a-glance information for those too timid to click that they'd like more information. We have permission from Small Group leaders to display their addresses for those who want to attend.