Be able to query on dates using 'begins with'

If needing to generate a list of all donors whose first gift was in a specific month - say all donors whose first gift was in July (any year) to send a mailing - It would be great if there were an easy way to query for this without needing a workaround. Currently, we find ourselves exporting out all records only to import the date back into a non-date-formatted attribute textbox field in order to use 'begins with.' Other fundraising CRM's do offer this, or at least a way to populate just the month of the first gift into a field which can be queried on. It would save a lot of clicking and time in exporting/importing if this could be implemented!

  • Kevin Ruhf
  • Jun 24 2021
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    • Guest commented
      June 30, 2021 12:31

      I have the same question. I want to pull funds into a report that begin with a certain number and would like an easy way to do this