I used to be able to export the SSNUM field directly from a query. This was extremely useful for me. Particularly for unsubscribes through emails. I would input emails in the criteria under phone number using the one of option. This would output all the records with the exact email I had inputted, and I could also output the Student ID which is currently held in the SSNUM field.
Recently SSNUM export from query has now been masked due to a security update. Which has made this simple process of comparing these unsubscribe emails a lot more complicated. I would now have to use the export tab, where it will export all emails or the email type that is selected, if I were to select more than one email type it will show the emails in more than one column. Where as I only need the specific set of emails I had entered in to my criteria to be outputted with the IDs so that i can carry out my formula. Which isn't possible to to do without having to clean up the export, remove which emails that don't match the emails I had entered in my criteria.
It would be great if like in the export they allow admins or set user group to be able to export directly from the query with being able to unmask the IDS.