Installment Balance as an option within Query criteria

I know this has been asked for but Developers have not come through on it. Can we get this as an option? The last request dates back to 2014. How hard is that to add to the list? You have recently added other options and I cannot seem to understand why this one has not made it through.

  • Cheena DeAraujo-Desir
  • May 12 2021
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Stephanie commented
      August 25, 2021 21:37

      Preach, my friend! I need to be able to query on remaining pledge balances for a regularly pulled query. Right now I have to constantly explain that the query just shows the total amount of the pledge and not what they've paid on it. Not only is this annoying for me, but it's difficult for the people I'm helping to understand why I can't simply show them the remaining balance.