Please add "Last Installment/Payment Amount" and "Last Installment/Payment Date Due" to the list of exportable fields in Export.
I should have been able to do one simple export, but since those fields weren't exportable, I had to build 2 queries, 1 export, and 1 report and manually add the Last Installment info. For more details see my case #13522727.
We need to use a gift export rather than gift query output for a variety of reasons. In reviewing the exported data, the first question asked by relationship managers is "When did we last send a pledge reminder?" To get that field, I need to use the Export, also export the gift query output and match them together in Excel for monthly reports. I am upset that someone has been doing two exports instead of just one since June 2017. Now my team has to use this work-around for a few years. Seems like a logical step to add the same field to both output options. Please.
We need to use a gift export rather than gift query output for a variety of reasons. In reviewing the exported data, the first question asked by relationship managers is "When did we last send a pledge reminder?" To get that field, I need to use the Export, also export the gift query output and match them together in Excel for monthly reports. I am upset that someone has been doing two exports instead of just one since June 2017. Now my team has to use this work-around for a few years. Seems like a logical step to add the same field to both output options. Please.
We can export First Installment Due. But we desperately need to export Last Installment Due!