Customizable Color Palette for Database View

After a recent update, the color palette is currently white, light grey, and sky blue. This bright color palette is bad for eyestrain and distinguishing different sections in an RE record. There should be an option to revert back to the original dark blue color scheme or a "night" view color scheme that has darker colors to help eyestrain.

  • Guest
  • Feb 18 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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  • Guest commented
    October 16, 2023 17:19

    I would like it if RE allowed dark mode as set in your system settings!

  • Guest commented
    October 16, 2023 17:09

    Other databases have a dark mode option, which is easier to use and see. For my coworkers who suffer from migraines, including a dark mode option would be beneficial for all of RE's partners.

  • Amanda Carter commented
    October 16, 2023 16:47

    It'd be a lot cooler if RE allowed/conformed to dark mode as set in your system settings. Dark mode, please for all us migraine sufferers.

  • Natalie Washnieski commented
    May 31, 2023 21:22

    The newest update is even worse than the last update. It is SO hard to not have any contrast in database. Borders are basically all white now. We don't care about a "modern look" in database. Most of us are in database for 8 hours a day--we need a functional system for our eye health.

  • Deb Dressely commented
    September 01, 2021 17:10

    Hi David,

    Can I ask that you consider combining some of these ideas about information available on the Volunteer tab in NXT. They seem to be basically saying the same thing - we want to see more information on the volunteer tab in NXT and not have to go to database view to see details.



  • Madeleine Holdsworth commented
    September 01, 2021 14:03

    Agree with everyone that this is a much overdue update. And yes, this can't possibly be that difficult. I think there is a new idea somewhere on this, but the font size is also an org has now moved to a permanent hybrid plan so on days when I'm remote I work on a laptop so RE db view is tiny....I've added a second monitor. The software should accommodate the user in accessibility issues, don't you think??

  • Tim Platt commented
    September 01, 2021 12:55

    Why can't this be a "planned" change? It's been a year and a half and still nothing? How hard can it be to give the individual RE7 user some control over the color palette? If this were an NXT issue it would have been taken care of months ago. This seems to say that Blackbaud has less concern for the database view of RE7 and is not so subtly trying to push all RE users to NXT. Yet, those of us who have to manage our databases and spend the most time in records, queries, exports, and reports need to use the database view because NXT has such limited functionality for actual database management. So DBAs are having to spend their entire workdays suffering from eye strain because of an update that shouldn't have changed the color palette and display without consulting the actual users. Please address this.

  • Admin
    David Springer commented
    September 01, 2021 12:40

    Thanks for pointing that out, Deb. I've merged that idea into this one.

  • Deb Dressely commented
    August 31, 2021 22:59

    Could you combine this with RE7-I6295? They both seem to be talking about the difficulty users are having with the washed out colors.

  • Catherine Heyne commented
    August 31, 2021 22:08

    This is an important update. It is so sad that no one who was using the database view seems to have been consulted prior to this change. Please prioritize. At one time this problem had almost 1000 votes.

  • Jane Marvin commented
    August 31, 2021 20:40

    Yes please! Lower vision user here.

  • Natalie Washnieski commented
    August 31, 2021 20:39

    Please please please prioritize this change. It is so difficult to use RE on a daily basis. It truly affects our quality of health during the workday. It has been a year now and it is STILL hard to tolerate. Thank you!

  • Admin
    David Springer commented
    August 31, 2021 20:31

    Changing the status of this idea to Voting Open because it's been reviewed. While not currently planned, this will remain open for voting and future consideration as a change.

  • Stephanie commented
    August 25, 2021 21:00

    I would LOVE a night view option. I'm so sick of getting headaches from staring at database view all day.

  • D Richards commented
    June 21, 2021 16:13

    I have low vision employees working for my visual impairment NPO, and they cannot see the text, windows, RE NXT. Disappointing that such a large company does not have accessibility options!!

  • Guest commented
    September 15, 2020 16:45

    This change has just taken place in my area (not sure why the delay). It is terrible and is actually causing migraines. I am hopefully there is a solution soon! It's not just the brightness but I find it hard for my eyes to discern the different tabs, areas on the page. It has been a few weeks and my eyes are still not adjusting to it.

  • Gwen Williams commented
    September 09, 2020 14:40

    Of course this comments are all valid, but I would like to say a word of support for blue light blocking glasses--even if a "night mode" becomes a reality eye strain will still occur. They are about $10 on Amazon and everyone should seriously consider getting them. I used to get horrible eye twitching strain--started wearing them and it completely stopped!

  • Guest commented
    August 12, 2020 16:58

    Please allow us to change color palette for title bar!!! It is black on gray and VERY hard to see!!!!

  • Becky Jones commented
    June 12, 2020 15:58

    Thank you! Please keep your users updated on this progress. My eyes hurt
    at the end of the day each day now...never used to. Thanks again for
    hearing our comments and trying to fix the problem.

    Becky Jones
    Donations Accountant
    To ignite and nurture student curiosity, intellect, and character
    Battle Ground Academy
    336 Ernest Rice Lane | Franklin, TN 37069
    (615) 567-8320

  • Lance Melton commented
    June 12, 2020 15:07

    Hello, all. I'm replying here as a representative of Blackbaud's engineering teams. Thank you for strongly voicing your concerns on this update; I understand eye strain issues all too well.

    The font and tool bar color changes in Database View occurred during necessary server upgrades, and was caused by the way that Citrix inherits color values from the Operating System’s default “themes.” We are actively testing options for overriding these themes and color values for our Hosted customers, aiming to even improve upon the contrast from the original state (while remaining faithful) based on recommendations from our User Experience & Design staff.

    As this is a broad change that encompasses overrides on several dozen inherited color keys across a deep product, we are testing thoroughly before we deliver further, potential updates to impacted environments.

    Should efforts to override these values be successful, we'll post a KB article with instructions, as our early understanding is that there may be user action ("log off and log back on," for example) in order for the changes to be applied.

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