Cash Flow Projection Report that Analyzes Events and Appeals rather than Constituents

Right now we have to do our projections in Excel because the Cash Flow Report in Raiser's Edge currently only projects the amount of income for a future date range based on recurring gifts and pledges of Constituents. What would be more useful to us is a Cash Flow Projection Report based on the numerous Appeals and Events we run each fiscal year. As we all know in fundraising... an event takes place on a specific date and an appeal may be targeted or mailed on at a specific time however the donations and pledges come at different points of time in and around the event/appeal date. For our organizational budgeting purposes and to minimize the exorbitant amount of time it takes to do this outside of Raisers Edge it would be tremendously helpful to have this report already built in and able to generate it with an output of Events, Appeals, Package, etc. rather than constituent.

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  • Aug 7 2019
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