Ability to summarize by donor total giving by fund including fund balances without having to create separate summary columns for every fund

We raise money for many agencies. Donors give to many funds, and donate multiple times throughout a campaign. We need to export/report on total amount given to a fund or funds during a campaign year(s) by a donor, and have the export choose only the funds the donor has given to, the total amount given (including multiple gift donors, pulling from all the gifts they have given) and the balances owed toward each fund. It should skip funds the donor hasn't given to and pull only those they have, and provide that summary info without having to create a separate summary column for every fund available. That creates many (blank) columns in the export and causes the spreadsheet to go on and on. The data can be merged into ask letters and provide a summary of total giving by fund.

  • Philip Weaver
  • Aug 1 2019
  • Attach files