Automatic Ordering of Constituent Codes based on Table Hierarchy

As a university, we have many different primary connections to the college including alumni, parents, students, faculty/staff, and regents. People can move in and out of all of these codes and could have any combination of these depending on how involved they are. It would be great if setting the order in the constituent code table under Config would automatically sort codes on every record to match that - preferably upon closing the record. Right now, everything is manual and based on user entry so this would make record creation and maintenance much easier and ensure absolute confidence that the correct constituent code is always the primary. The hierarchy functionality is already there with being able to sort tables so I don't think it would be far off. Plus figuring this out could allow this to be applied to any other number of tables in RE (orders of attributes, orders of additional addressee/salutations, phone numbers, etc.).

  • Guest
  • May 17 2019
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