Making all fields that available though export available in Query module.

There are some essential fields such as Proposal ID or Proposal Import ID Or pledge installments balance that are available on export but not in Query and this makes the data extraction pretty complex. 

I have set up an automated process to extract daily data from RE to local server by running queries on queue module. But due to absence of some fields in Query module I had to create exports. The exports could work too if you do not use fields from different modules, like Constituent and Gifts. When you need to create export combining two separate module you have limited records per record (99 maximum) and even then the export is columnar format what is not easy to read and manipulate. The the only solution I found is to create Access database for export but unfortunately there is no option to add Access export to the Queue module so I have to do it manual.

That why I am looking to have as much as possible fields available on Query module so I can make the data export more efficient.  Hope to get solution for this as soon as possible.

  • Guest
  • Aug 27 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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  • Guest commented
    September 05, 2018 20:51

    Updating proposals is a massive hassle I have to export all proposals as a constituent export and then manually remove the ones I don't want to updates then reformat the whole thing for import. It is a massive oversight that these fields aren't available in query output. I hope this is addressed soon. 

  • Guest commented
    August 29, 2018 13:07

    I have been asking for this forever.  It takes a lot of time for me to just update prospect ratings because the importID for them is not available to output in query and the export doesn't allow me to export a specific rating so I have to filter through a lot of columns to ensure I get them all.  Same with phone ImportIDs... It's probably one of the most annoying issues I have with Raisers Edge.

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