Linking two tables on an attribute

We are struggling with reporting in RE, and a lot of our issues could go away if we could link one attribute to two tables or two separate attributes to each other.  For example, we might have an attribute for US States, and then another for Cities within the state, like so :  [Category] US > [Description] New York > [Comments/Free text] Albany OR Buffalo OR Catskills...

If we could use a table in the Description AND in the Category field, that would clear up a ton of headache for us.  If we can't link to two tables, being able to make one or two attributes dependent upon another (so when someone enters the State attribute, they would be prompted to add the City Attribute as well), would be incredibly helpful and save our data team a massive amount of work.  Right now we have to track sublevels via free text, which makes our reporting/queries/exports a real nightmare.

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  • Oct 5 2016
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