Add drop down menu for solicitors in query

Currently it appears that when working in a constituent query, there is no drop-down option to select a solicitor (from the Relationships/Assigned Solicitor section or from Prospect/Proposals/Solicitors section). Specifically, the program requires the user to type-in a solicitor name despite the operator used (i.e. equals, one of). It would be extremely helpful if the program provided a drop-down menu with a list of available solicitors when the operator "equals" or "one of" is selected. Reason being, sometimes names are mis-spelled by a database user, or sometimes we need to back-track and check the spelling or middle initial before using the operator (which requires more time). It's helpful when the program offers options that simplify the user's experience and reduce time spent building queries so we can increase dollars raised. Thanks for taking this suggestion into consideration!

  • Guest
  • Sep 19 2016
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