Add Contact on Gift Records

Currently there is no way to identify which contact at larger organizations was the point of contact for a specific gift and therefore we cannot send acknowledgement or follow up correspondence to a specific individual.

I would like to see a contact field option available on a gift record similar to that found on action or proposal records.

  • JP Provencal
  • Jun 25 2012
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Kate Henselmans commented
      September 06, 2021 15:53

      Great idea! That would make acknowledging gifts so much easier.

    • Julie Wolf-Rodda commented
      August 30, 2021 13:50

      This change would save my organization hundreds of hours in extra coding and special reporting we have to do in order to track and use this information. Please make the change.

    • Admin
      David Springer commented
      August 27, 2021 20:07

      Changing the status of this idea to Voting Open because it's been reviewed. While not currently planned, this will remain open for voting and future consideration as a change.

    • Julie Hiland commented
      November 19, 2019 15:29

      Blackbaud, is this something you've considered yet? This is currently something that creates a lot of problems and messy workarounds in our office, because an organization might have multiple contacts with the same type. And contact attributes are way too complicated for something that could instead be much more easily solved with an added field on the gift record. Similar to action records and participant records.

    • Liz Rich commented
      November 05, 2019 15:44

      What would be even better is if there was Addressee/Salutation for the contact person.

    • Dorri Nautu commented
      June 17, 2019 17:44


    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 22:39

      Interestingly, I can add a contact to an event participant record. I would like to see gifts have something similar. Especially since a contact cannot be assigned more than one type. My primary contact for grants may not be the same for sponsorships or matching gifts, but then again, it might be. But I need some way to sort it out. Otherwise, I'm putting the preferred contact in the reference note and anything out of the norm becomes a manual process.

    • Holly Kirchin commented
      March 17, 2016 22:39

      Agreed! Actions also have the capability to track the contact at the organization so why can't gifts?

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 22:39

      this would be amazing!

    • Jason T commented
      March 17, 2016 22:39

      This would be VERY welcome. The main contact for a particular gift is often not the same as the Primary Contact. As it stands, the only way that we can track the specific contact at an organization for a specific gift is to create three Gift Attributes for Contact Addressee, Contact Salutation and Contact Position - which is both clunky and repetitive.

    • Leah Ross commented
      March 17, 2016 22:39

      This would be incredibly helpful!

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 22:39

      I AGREE! This cause problems during ack letter processing.
      We currently have to do a manual process for this to work. Drop down or look up would be great!!!

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 22:39

      I work with very large physician groups and I have to manually enter the names, addressees and salutations for them because I cannot include the acknowledgee for each gift. This would be immensely helpful!

    • Anonymous commented
      March 17, 2016 22:39

      This would be incredibly helpful! We currently have to do SO MUCH manual work on acknowledgment letters. Drop down or look up is a great idea.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 22:39

      YES! This is a great suggestion. We work with so many orgs that have so many different contacts. Please make this a reality!

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 22:39

      This is a great idea!!!

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 22:39

      Yes yes yes!! I absolutely agree. It should be optional,but is a great supplement to the solicitor field. Solicitor should be for external contacts and this new field should be for internal organization contacts.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 22:39

      I would love this!

    • Anonymous commented
      March 17, 2016 22:39

      This would be of HUGE benefit! We are manually deleting all of the unwanted letters that generate, and just keeping the one we want/need. The person running acknowledgment letters is not always the person doing the gift entry, so being able to select from a contact field on a gift record would totally solve the problem!

    • Susan Chomsky commented
      March 17, 2016 22:39

      I run letters through Mail and cannot select the specific contact. Sometimes there are several relationships defined as contacts for different purposes and a letter and envelope is generated for each of them. This causes a waste of time and resources. My date entry team is longing for our old database just to get past this.

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