Add more fields that can be merged into an online express email.

I would like to see more fields available from RE such as last gift date and last gift amount and specific attributes to chose from. Adding information like this into an email allows very specific customization without having to send individual emails.

  • Cindy Messerle
  • Jun 23 2016
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Marie Foster commented
      October 27, 2020 15:45

      I have been asking for exactly that today. I can't believe that this was expressed as an idea over 4 years ago. Things must move slow in the world of Online Express :)

    • Heather Ravenscroft commented
      April 12, 2017 17:15

      We would like last gift as well. It would be very helpful in asking for supporters to match or exceed their last amount. 

    • Guest commented
      February 05, 2017 23:15

      We would like to be able to email recurring donors and include their donation information in the email.