be able to add a query to the duplicate constituent tool

I want to be able to dedup records a group at a time. I have over 16,000 duplicate records. that is overwhelming. A large portion are from a database merge. I am in the process of importing new records that are from a specific county and if I was able to use a query to dedup them after importing it would be very helpful.

  • Guest
  • Mar 17 2016
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    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:49

      Importing gifts (to existing members) is a basic functionality which seems to have been lost in NXT ('downgraded'?).

      When Importing 'New' Gifts to 'Existing' records, I have relied for years on the process described in full detail for all admins in Knowledge Base Article Number: 41186.

      In order to import new 'gift' records (or even School graduation Alumni records, etc.) to 'Existing' members, you need a unique Identification number- Import ID; Member ID- from your existing constituent records, so you can update the record with the new imported gift.

      Up until now I have used the above article, in order to:

      A) Import all members from any external database;
      B) Use RE's Duplicate Checker, find the dupes of the existing vs the Imported members in our database;
      C) Use Duplicate Checker's Output Query function (now suddenly gone?) so as to collect those dupes together, and identify the already existing members with an attribute, so I can...
      D) ...Export those constituent's unique Identifiers- their IDs;
      E) So I can re-import those IDs and update the existing constituents with the new gifts...

      It seems this fundamental functionality has been lost..?

      So, the Question: Since Duplicate Checker no longer allows you to create the needed output query, how do I now mark the existing contituents, so I can export their IDs- So I can update their existing records with the new gifts..?

      Don't say Omatic Software- This is 'basic' administrative functionality which is has existed since RE v6, and has been so routine in RE (and competing Software), as to make it's disappearance almost mysterious...

      Blackbaud, whatever are you thinking..?

      I know other people must be still importing gifts to existing records out there... so there must be a new way... Thanks again. GO

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:49

      Gerald Ollison - I can't help on some of your other poins but on this:
      "Since Duplicate Checker no longer allows you to create the needed output query"
      I can.

      I save the control report as a csv and use that. it requires some manipulation but its better than nothing.