Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit RE7-I-38 Make Proposals a record like gifts that can be exported and queried on individually..

proposal or prospect type of query and export would be extremely useful Merged

Just like you can have a gift, action or constituent etc query and export, a proposal query and export would be extremely useful in order to correctly report on proposals.

  • Guest
  • Dec 13 2013
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Guest commented
    May 30, 2017 19:57

    Actually - correction - this is the oldest suggestion I could find for this posted 5 years ago.

  • Guest commented
    May 30, 2017 19:48

    This suggestion is duplicated in this suggestion:

  • Guest commented
    May 26, 2017 14:52

    There are over 500 votes ofor this idea here:


    Any updates blackbaud? This would be so useful.

  • Fiona Fowkes commented
    February 03, 2017 08:56

    We are using proposals to manage projects with different income attached and a proposal query & export would be really useful to be able to create effective reporting.


  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2016 23:46

    It would be particularly good if you could have a Prospect query, with good parameters around Proposals, that you could insert into a Constituent Export in the same way you can with Gift queries.