Allow adjustment or amendment to Planned Gift

Even though a Planned Gift record can be marked "Posted" there is no way to record an adjustment or amendment to a PG gift. Having the gift amount, fund and appeal code "lock down" after the gift is posted and then making changes via an adjustment or amendmemt is an important way to uncover why numbers have changed from one period to another

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  • Nov 17 2012
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    • Hillary Cote commented
      October 21, 2024 17:49

      We would like this option because of gift entry error. If we make a mistake during gift entry and the incorrect amount goes out in reporting, we would like a paper trail. It doesn't make sense for reports to go out and then for the gift to be a different amount later, with no reason on record. Notes doesn't cut it, because that is not where one would expect to look for changes to a gift amount or fund.

    • Mercedes McCay-Read commented
      March 13, 2019 19:12

      I agree.  We received documentation today that a donor is increasing their planned gift, but there's no way for me to capture that.  As it stands, I'm entering an entirely new planned gift for the difference between the original planned gift and the increased amount.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:38

      And write offs! Support just told me that these features were not added to planned gifts because planned gifts do not post to FE? Since when do we want to limit the ability to have a paper trail for gifts in RE to only those that get posted? I do not even use the posting feature but I ALWAYS use the adjust and write off features.

    • Dina Sorrentino commented
      March 17, 2016 23:38

      I agree with Melissa and Frank. It would be much easier to make an adjustment than to put it in a note field where it could get lost in the record.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:38

      I agree, it would be great to have a way to adjust this gift type!

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:38

      For some reason it's not taking votes right now, but this aspect of things is driving me nuts. For instance, what about when you get notification of a bequest, along with the first check? And then you subsequently get further distributions from the estate -- you can't change the amount of the bequest, even though you didn't know what the total was going to be when you entered the planned gift.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:38

      Please note that remedy for this should be strongly considered in the next version of RE. The ability to "post"..or lock down these gifts in some way forces an audit trail if changes are made. Right now we are having to rely solely on free text notes and have had to develop many checks and balances to assure those notes are entered and accurate.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:38

      Planned Gifts need to be tracked in line with a pledge. We may receive documentation from an estate that declares we are to receive one amount, but after the estate is closed (and if there is any contests) we may receive less (or more). We have no way to adjust/write-off any differences to close out the planned gift. Depending on how one does their reporting, it may show that we are still expecting more realized revenue. Our auditors require trails and not having this feature does not allow us to have a consistent processing system.

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:38

      "Adjustments and write offs should NOT be reserved for realized revenue. It's ridiculous that we are at the mercy of remembering to make a detailed gift note to document changes. Given RE's wonderful reputation, I expect more consideration to be given to this issue."

    • Guest commented
      March 17, 2016 23:38

      There should be a field in the Raiser's Edge to input account distribution for debit & credit once a planned gift is received to recognize the receivable as debit and credit revenue then apply cash once payment is received by debiting cash to the planned gift and credit bequest receivable.