create gift query

Make 'create gift query' a menu option in either the file or gift (or where ever) drop down menus within a Batch. this way if for what ever reason you didn't create a gift query when you committed the batch you will always have the option to go back and ask RE to do so.

this way you do not have to create a gift query from scratch, you simply tell RE you want a query on a specific batch within the batch itself - this would save lots of time! esp if you do constant clean up of your gift queries and accidentally delete one OR you have someone committing gifts who does not know to create a query when the system asks.

  • Guest
  • Oct 11 2012
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    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 01:28

      Sorry, I don't get it. Why/what are you "constantly cleaning up" in your gift queries? If you've deleted any gifts, your query will get different results.
      I leave box checked to always create the query. Creating one of records with gift in batch isn't that hard isn't much more difficult than deleting unneeded queries.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 01:28

      If you're using batches why not just query on gifts by batch #?