Would like new addresses to share old phone numbers

Users would like to be able to have phone numbers/contact information added from the old record to the new record when creating a new address for a constituent. Currently the process requires copy and paste of these fields into the new address.

  • Guest
  • Jun 14 2013
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    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:48

      Tip: If you open the existing address and while on that address window, click 'address' to get the drop down. Chose the 'copy preferred address to alternate' it will keep the phone numbers. Actually keeps all info and you just need to replace address with tne new one. Easier than copying/pasting and auto fills date to for previous address.
      Doesn't help in every situation but does with most.

    • Guest commented
      March 18, 2016 00:48

      When I created this idea for a client, I believe they were looking for Global sharing. Currently we can only do this one record at a time. I apologize for not adding that in the description.