In Batch, please allow all current solicitors to AUTO-POPULATE in the drop-down for easy selection

As is, (and if I'm understanding correctly), the only way to easily assign a solicitor to a gift in BATCH is if that solicitor is already linked to the donor OR if you enter the solicitor's name in the DEFAULT line of the batch. Is there no way for ALL CURRENT SOLICITORS to auto-populate in that batch "Solicitor" drop-down menu for easy selection? Searching and selecting each individual solicitor through the pop-up is extremely time consuming over the course of many batches. PLEASE? Thanks.

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  • Oct 4 2013
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  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 00:24

    Sorry, do not want this function especially if it would replace just the current solicitor list. Scrolling through our list of over 100 solicitors would be worse to me. If I have a number of gifts to enter that don't have the solicitor assignments made, I usually enter assignments with global add before doing the batch.

  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 00:24

    I would assume though JoAnn you could simply type the first few letters of the person's name (like you can for Campaign/Fund/Appeal, etc.) and get there without scrolling?

    As for replacing or not replacing just the current solicitor list - what do you mean by that? I want to make sure I'm understanding correctly. There's a lot about solicitors I still don't understand because we don't utilize it as an organization.

    And as to the global add - if they're new gifts/donors - how exactly do you do the global add if they're not constituents yet? Just trying to make sure I'm not missing something, cause if that could be a solution I'd be up for it.

  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 00:24

    This seems pretty specific. Like JoAnn, I would probably never want this. Could it be added after entry using import or global add? Something like
