Before the lastest version update..when I used my own query in the seach..I used to be able to display all addresses that a constituent has in their record. Now it only displays the current preferred address. So now I have no idea if there is an existing record for a constituent if i am searching using one of the different addresses if it is not preferred. So i would have to add a new record then find out it is a duplicate record.. What a waste of time...Need to change it back so that when i query all addresses in the search...they all show up
Nancy, just turn off the enhanced search and use a search query like you did before and you should be able to see the fields you were using previously.
Tammy, trust me I have tried everything under the sun...Had a nice long chat with Blackbaud. When you select the all addresses field in the will still only give you one address in the search screen. They changed something so I can no longer get all my addresses to show up