Include suffix in "Name"

Whenever the "name" field shows up (records, relationships, queries, exports, mailings, reports, etc.), it should include the suffix. I've had to recreate several records that were merged because a father and a son share a name, and live at the same address, and give us the same email address.

Two similar topics "View Contact Name suffix on Action records and on Query output results tab" ( and "More information displayed on soft credit tab" ( should be merged with this one.

  • Guest
  • Jul 17 2014
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 00:22

    You can set up/use an addressee/salutation format that includes the suffix and then choose to use that for your queries/exports/mailings/reports etc. I changed my default formats to what we wanted.

  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 00:22

    I completely agree with adding the suffix to the "Name" field. Of course we can add Addressee fields to a query, etc, but the problem is when you are looking at a list of constituents (query list) it does not have the option to show addressee, just name.