It would be nice to see Honor/Memorial field of a tribute when entering gifts using the gift batch

It would be nice, when entering gifts, to be able to see which gifts have a tribute after entering them. This way, if I miss a tribute, I can see that before posting the batch.

  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2014
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    October 20, 2023 16:12

    In case people are still finding this to be an issue, if you set your Validation report to "Detail" rather than "summary", when you've completed your batch you can run a validation report and it will show all the gifts that are linked (to a pledge or a Honor/memorial). This way if you've missed one, you can go back into the batch at make adjustments before committing.

    Go to


    -User Options

    -Batch (tab at the top)

    -Gift Batches (along the left side)

    -Under the 3 check boxes, you will see "Validation report format:" this is where you change it to "Detail"


    -Now when in your batch, before committing, go File, Preview, Validation Report. When it loads you will see any linked batches or Hon/mems in bold.

  • Guest commented
    January 02, 2018 22:50

    Over 3 years and no action on this idea??!! I agree with you, Nicole. This should be a function that is basic to the program.

  • Anne Buzzelli commented
    August 26, 2016 13:52

    I agree!! Same with all of the options (matching gifts, pledges, splits, etc).

    Being able to scan all info in one place is pretty crucial. 

  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 00:20

    I've said many times that anything that needs to be checked in the batch should be a column and output for the validate batch report. You can't really validate anything that you can't see. So to be sure that a gift if properly linked for tributes, pledges, membership, events, etc... you have to open the gift up.

    I know that you can use the legend for color coding, but this is not an option for everything (think tributes and it only checks for linking. Think about membership, if a staff person is only linking the gift and not actually renewing the membership, you would get the color highlight, but you still have to open the gift to see that is is correct.