I am often asked to create dashboards for people, but if I do it on my computer and share it, they can not access the panel itself on their home page. They can only add a link in their favorites.that they have to remember to open.
This is very inconvenient for the DBA and the user. They should have the ability to add it on their page instead of my having to recreate it on their computer.
Have you looked at Knowledgebase? Several solutions related to sharing dashboards like BB117410.
Joann, I think the issue is that when you share dashboards, they get added to the dashboards screen which is a different place than the home screen. Users want DBAs to access their home screen and add them which is not the same.
While you're at it - add a share panel button to the homepage - failing to do that limits the usefulness of the home page. Favorites are great and useful - I even had links to my kids picture to stimulate creativity. But the panels are so useful - they need to be available on either dashboard or homepage or available to other users within the org.