Right now, your options are usually "include all" or "include selected" but sometiems it's far more logical to "exclude selected", especially if you're only excluding a few.
The workaround is that you include selected, select all, the remove the ones you don't want. Dumb.
I even took a regional training where the trainer said as much.
I would really appreciate this as well. We have the same problem with our constituencies.
I think creating a two-step criteria process would be helpful--first step = records you want to include, the second = records to exclude. Such as, include constituents with a gift date within the last year. Exclude constituents with a solicit code.
This would be very helpful for us, particularly in excluding by constituent code. Many of our constituents have multiple codes (ie. alumni & staff), so if I choose to include all (alumni & others) but those I want excluded (staff), I will still get the constituents I want excluded (staff) because they have another constituent code that I have included (alumni). Excluding by query is more complicated because it doesn't automatically filter only current codes.