"Exclude Selected" for reports, exports, etc.

Right now, your options are usually "include all" or "include selected" but sometiems it's far more logical to "exclude selected", especially if you're only excluding a few.

The workaround is that you include selected, select all, the remove the ones you don't want. Dumb.

I even took a regional training where the trainer said as much.

  • Guest
  • Aug 23 2012
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    October 19, 2016 15:38

    I would really appreciate this as well. We have the same problem with our constituencies.

  • Guest commented
    March 18, 2016 00:17

    I think creating a two-step criteria process would be helpful--first step = records you want to include, the second = records to exclude. Such as, include constituents with a gift date within the last year. Exclude constituents with a solicit code.

  • Teddi Taylor commented
    March 18, 2016 00:17

    This would be very helpful for us, particularly in excluding by constituent code. Many of our constituents have multiple codes (ie. alumni & staff), so if I choose to include all (alumni & others) but those I want excluded (staff), I will still get the constituents I want excluded (staff) because they have another constituent code that I have included (alumni). Excluding by query is more complicated because it doesn't automatically filter only current codes.