Add ability to run query/report on recurring current and future payment projection totals per constituent within a specified period.

It would be nice to be able to run a report like the cash flow report but instead of displaying the amounts projected to funds, display the constituents information. We need this information to be able to place individuals in specific annual giving levels for our athletic club membership. A query would actually be preferred or an export to receive this information in an excel format.

This is a capability with installment schedules on pledges in query/export but not recurring gifts. We need the ability to choose the gift type, fund type, fund category and installment date range. We would need it to calculate all gifts (current and future recurring installment payments) and provide constituent ID, name, etc. and total recurring gift amount received and/or committed within the provided gift criteria. It would be a bonus if it can include all gift types to display a total expected contribution amount per individual for the specified time.

  • Kiana Dowdell
  • May 25 2023
  • Attach files