Tribute description visible in RELO when linking tribute

When processing a tribute gift in the RELO plugin, we need to link or create a tribute. If we choose to link an existing tribute, we can find the constituent and select the tribute to link to.

The challenge is, if on the constituent record, we have multiple tributes of the same type, there's no way to distinguish one from the other, even if the tribute description and tribute start date are different. They all show up in the Tribute dropdown with only the tribute type displayed.

It would be helpful if we could also see, in the same dropdown and in addition to the tribute type, the tribute description. That way, if a constituent has multiple tributes of the same type on their record, we can select the correct one. As it is, we have no way of knowing which one is selected.

Given that RELO is still needed to process Luminate Online gifts, even on RE NXT, it would be appreciated if this enhancement could be put in place.

I've attached images of an example of how things appear today, and how they could appear with the enhancement.

Thank you.

  • Steven Lopresti
  • Apr 13 2023
  • Attach files